Ministries & Groups
Bible Study: Facilitate or help facilitate a Bible Study program with a DVD presentation, once a week, from fall to Easter.
Contact Denise Albers 306-445-2674
Cenacle Prayer Group: Meet every Tuesday @ 10:00am at the church for prayer, the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Contact: Parish Office 306-446-1695
Divine Mercy Prayer Group: Meet every Thursday @ 7:00pm for Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. Every 2nd Thursday, prayers follow Mass at 7:00pm. Contact: Denise Schmidt 306-441-3338
Life Matters:
Contact Maureen McLane 306-937-7683
Married Couples Enrichment: Contact Maureen McLane 306-937-7683
VBS – (Vacation Bible School): Parish hosts a 5 morning Vacation Bible School each summer in August for children ages 4-12. Many volunteers are needed. Contact: Crystal Wandler 306-445-4889
Religious Display Centre: Attend to sale of religious articles, before and after weekend Masses, on a rotating basis. Contact: Parish Office 306-446-1695
Welcoming Committee: New parishioners are visited and welcomed into our Parish family, and sent a welcome letter listing all ministries and contact numbers in the Parish. Visitors are welcomed and provided information as requested. Contact: Stephanie Merkowsky 306-445-7910
Altar Servers: (Grade 3+) Assist the priest during Mass. Initial training and ongoing formation provided, as well as fun activities. Protocol requirements apply. Contact: Pat Smith 306-481-5108
Commentator: Read the introduction to the Mass, Intercessions and Announcements. Ensure all scheduled ministers for the Mass are present or find replacements if necessary. Contact: Parish Office 306-446-1695
Lector: Proclaim the readings at Mass. Training sessions provided. Contact: Parish Office 306-446-1695
Greeters: Welcome everyone with a warm smile and greeting. Distribute bulletins after Mass.
Contact: Stephanie Merkowsky 306-445-7910
Ushers: Assist people in finding seats in the church, take up collection, and respond to individual needs and any emergency situations that may arise. Contact: Stephanie Merkowsky 306-445-7910
Gift Bearers: Bread and wine are brought forward at the Offertory by several people or families.
Contact: Stephanie Merkowsky 306-445-7910
Children’s Liturgy: Adult and youth (Grade 5+) leaders assist young children in learning about the Sunday readings that are level appropriate for them, so they can share the Word of God in a meaningful way. Children are dismissed by priest and rejoin the assembly during collection. Protocol requirements apply.
Contact: Stephanie Merkowsky 306-445-7910
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Assist in the distribution of the Eucharist Bread and Wine at Mass. Training sessions provided. Contact: Jim McLane 306-937-7683
Music Ministry: Enhance and empower the assembly’s participation through music at weekend liturgies.
Contact: Theo Masich 306-446-4280 for Saturday night choir; Maureen Hudec 306-445-6750 for Sunday 9:00am choir. No 11:00am choir at present. Practices are scheduled.
Youth Ministry: Looking to have youth choir and youth ministry at one Sunday Mass per quarter.
Rosary: Lead the Rosary 40 minutes before weekend Masses. Contact: Stephanie Merkowsky 306-445-7910
Décor: Assist in planning and decorating the worship environment for liturgical seasons and special celebrations such as Christmas and Easter. Contact: Parish Office 306-446-1695
Sacristan: Assist in preparation and maintenance of vessels & vestments used in liturgy. Prepare the altar for Mass with cloths, vessels, candles, bread & wine, and any other items needed for Baptisms, Funerals, etc. Schedule for weekday, weekend and Funeral Masses on a rotating schedule.
Contact: Ruth St. Marie 306-490-8857
Laundering of Altar Linens, Priest and Altar Server Vestments: As part of a team, the laundering will be done on a rotating schedule. Contact: Parish Office 306-446-1695
Pastoral Care “Servants of Hope”: A compassionate and caring ministry committed to being a channel of God’s healing love to the elderly, the handicapped and disabled, the sick and dying, and the bereaved, as well as all who are in need of healing, through activities such as taking Communion to shut-ins at nursing homes and their own homes, visits, preparing a meal for bereaved families a time of funeral, etc.
Contact: Denise Schmidt 306-441-3338
Social Justice: Our Parish is part of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace promoting peace and justice in all parts of the world. Through this ministry, we are encouraged to become involved in meaningful social action regarding issues of poverty and justice.
Social Justice Committee
Our committee’s goals are: 1) to promote justice, 2) assist the needy in our parish and community, and 3) embrace and promote the goals of Development and Peace. We do this through education, working with community programs such as the Battlefords District Food & Resource Centre, Soup Kitchen, Interval House, Lighthouse Homeless Shelter, Battlefords Ministerial Association, Operation Christmas Child, and Development & Peace. We are a small group that meets the first Thursday of the month (except July & August) at 7:00 p.m. in the church conference room. We are always looking for new members. If your interests and God given talents lead you to become involved, we would greatly appreciate your help. For more information, please contact Cheryl Osatchoff (chairperson) 306-441-5260 or email or Sharon Huard (secretary) 306-445-4400 or email
Parish Administration:
Pastor: Rev. Fr. Phinh Do
Parish Pastoral Council: Group provides leadership and initiatives for all aspects of Parish life. Elected by parishioners to a 2 year term. Meetings held once a month on the fourth Wednesday.
Contact: Jim McLane 306-937-7683
Parish Finance Council: Committee members appointed by the Pastor to assist him in approving budgets, oversee capital expenditures, and are responsible for all aspects of Parish staff.
Parish Groups and Activities:
CWL – (Catholic Women’s League): A National organization of Catholic women that seek to put into action the teachings of the Church. The CWL is open to all women aged 16+, and encourage all women to become involved. Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month following the 7:00pm Mass.
Contact Wendy Hunchak 306-445-5098
Knights of Columbus: A Catholic men’s organization committed to promoting fraternity, charity, unity and patriotism. Supports and organizes many Parish events, such as monthly Sunday brunch. Meetings are the third Wednesday of each month following 7:00pm Mass. KC Breakfast every 2nd Sunday after Masses, in the Parish Hall. Contact: Paul McAllister 306-445-1462
Youth Group: Young people from Grades 5+ meet to learn more about their faith and to socialize. Help is needed to assist with programming and supervision. At present we are searching for a Youth Coordinator. If interested in helping or leadership please contact: Parish Office 306-446-1695
Fundraising: Committee plans and organizes major Parish fundraising events such as the bi-annual Charity Dinner and Auction, and other events. Contact Theresa Joss-Bilous 306-445-9909
Collection Counters: Counting the weekend Mass collections on Tuesday mornings, on a rotating schedule.
Contact: Parish Office 306-446-1695
Senior’s Day: Group organizes a social afternoon the second Tuesday of each month, with lunch & refreshments, entertainment, Bingo and door prizes. Silver collection taken. All seniors are welcome to attend. More volunteers are needed. Contact: Beth Piche 306-445-2796
Fall Supper: Hosted annually by Parish the first Sunday in November. Many volunteers are needed to make this event a success. Contact: Parish Office 306-446-1695
Funeral Prayer Vigil Presider: Lead the prepared Vigil Service, proclaim the Gospel, Gospel reflection and 2 decades of the Rosary. Contact: Parish Office 306-446-1695
Funeral Family Interview: Join the priest in meeting with bereaved family members, assisting them in choosing readings and musical selections for the Vigil and Funeral Mass. Contact: Clem Hood 306-445-6627
Funeral Mass Card Attendants: Take Mass requests before Vigil and Funeral Service.
Contact: Clem Hood 306-445-6627
Faith Community Choir: Provides music for funerals. There is currently no choir. If you are interested in becoming involved, or would like to help start a Faith Community Choir, Please Contact: Parish Office 306-446-1695
RCIA - (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults): As part of a team you will help those wishing to learn more about the Catholic faith, in preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation or full membership in the Church. The team needs catechists, prayer partners and sponsors. Be a part of welcoming, encouraging, teaching and supporting those who inquire about our faith. Contact: Parish Office 306-446-1695
Sacramental Preparation and RCIC – (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children): As part of a team you will prepare children for Sacraments of First Eucharist & Reconciliation who do not attend a Catholic school. The program is in the Church generally over a 6 week period. Schedules are flexible and accommodate the availability of all involved. Contact: Parish Office: 306-446-1695
Marriage Preparation Course: Supports engaged couples in preparing for marriage, in a weekend workshop, once a year. Contact: Todd & Shannon Bailey 306-445-2179
Wedding Rehearsal: Lead the wedding party in the rehearsal and attend the wedding to assist in any way needed, change the altar linens, light the candles and tidy up after.
Contact: Adele Giefer 306-446-2862 or Denise Schmidt 306-441-3338
Baptismal Preparation: As part of a team, you will help instruct and prepare parents for the Baptism of their children, and assist the priest at the Baptism. Preparations are held the first Sunday of each month at the Church, and Baptisms are generally once a month on the fourth Sunday. Contact: Pat Smith 306-481-5108